Make money working from home by wholesaling fixer-upper houses. No experience is necessary. You can make about $5000 per sale. Your hours will be flexible and you will be your own boss.

You will need the following...
  • A computer and a printer with internet
  • Ability to use that computer and printer
  • Reliable transportation
  • Good people skills
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Motivation to pursue leads (there is no such thing as easy money)

    Think you might have what it takes?

    Here is how it works...

    You will help ASCEND to find empty houses. Your job will be to find the owner of that house (ASCEND has many tools for this) and to talk to that owner about selling the house for cash. You will put the house under contract with the owner and ASCEND will work to find a buyer for that contract. If the contract for the house is priced well, ASCEND can usually find a buyer for your contract within 48 hours. Often, ASCEND will actually buy the contract!

    After ASCEND has found a buyer and the contract has been assigned to the buyer, you and ASCEND will work together towards completing the sale. After the sale has completed and ownership of the house has transferred from the seller to the buyer, you will get paid about $5000.

    ASCEND will provide you with the tools, the buyers, the documents, the training, and the support that you will need. There is no financial investment required from you. Only a willingness to learn and to work to get a house under contract.

    You can Email Me
